Friday, June 26, 2009

Winding Through Time

Tumultuous are those who refuse to escape the void of a lesson left forgotten, for it is they who insist to unyeildingly reunite themselves with the follies of the past.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Modern Times

Mankind has crested and now descends while the occulting veil of automation rises, suffocating the fiery prominence of the human soul.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Price of Vanity

Your artificial personality is even more obvious than your nose job.

Marks of Decay

As we settle into familiarity with the beauty of the once unfamiliar, that which continues to bind us to what had been seen only for an alluring surface is the many flaws that make it inextricably unique.

This photo set was taken after enjoying the Saturday arts & crafts market in Silverlake.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

All Roads Lead to Romanesque

Took some pictures in Downtown Los Angeles, CA while walking down Main St & Los Angeles St. For all its flaws Downtown LA has some of the most beautiful architecture. I wish I could do a shoot in the theaters downtown! Until then I will just have to go get The Last Remaining Seats by Robert Berger.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A Diamond in the Rough

These photos are of the Pondella Building in Sherman Oaks, CA near the intersection of Riverside Dr. and Woodman Ave. I absolutely love this building and call it a diamond in the rough because the surrounding area is quite visually unstimulating. With an exception being made for Notre Dame High across Woodman Ave. which is a very nice school. I hope to soon share another building that is similar in it's beauty, nevertheless surrounded by equal or greater horridness, The Victorian in Canoga Park, CA.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sound and Vision

These Photos were taken near The Echo in Echo Park, Los Angeles, CA.

Alexandra Hope & Gliss @ The Echo

Pictures taken at The Echo in Echo Park, Los Angeles, CA. Alexandra Hope is above followed by Victoria Cecilia and Martin Klingman of Gliss.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

D.L. & Co. Interior Install

Michael and I worked on this interior installation for Douglas Little of D.L. & Co. We worked on this for a couple days in the Offices of D.L. & Co. I spent most of my time installing the box-pleated velvet from floor to ceiling as well as putting up the mirrored acrylic behind the display table. Michael and Douglas erected the display consisting of product from D.L. & Co., glass apothicary jars from Andy Paiko Glass, and a taxadermy peacock.

Friday, June 12, 2009

An Evening at The Edison

Every Wednesday for the next couple months our work can be seen at The Edison in downtown LA. Incandescence is a newly formed cirque troupe that we, under the guidance of the amazing Douglas Little, costumed for the entire run of the show. If you haven't come to see the show yet it is truly the greatest night out in Los Angeles right now! The show runs for nearly four hours and is free before 8pm or $10 after 8pm, but don't let the cover dissuade you, as you will never spend such a small penance for as unique and entertaining an experience out on the town as this. With aerialists, dance routines, Vaudville, burlesque, and so much more! You won't have a dull night even if you just come to support our art at work in this great town! The photos above were taken by our favorite collaborator Koury Angelo.