During the beginning of August. I began a project which started out as a year of writing. For a little over two weeks I was doing a quote a day that I would share on facebook. Since then I was starved to begin intensely working again on the novel that I have been writing procrastinatingly for several years. I determined that instead of limiting myself to an inspirational blurb a day for the next year. I would instead resolve to do something creative every day. So far I am happy to say that I have kept this resolution to the letter.
Whether it has been photography, costuming, writing, set design, or any other artistic passion I have. I have done at least something towards one of them every day since at very least the beginning of August. Perhaps a while longer as I have been very active all summer long artistically. Most important for me personally. I have written fifteen new pages of content in my novel over the last week as of this post. If I can keep up a pace of even half that. I should easily have a presentable manuscript ready in around six months.
I still plan to write little pieces of inspiration here and there. If I have had nothing else happen for me creatively for a day. Yet I haven't written one in over two weeks due to all the other creative content I have made progress on. Nevertheless, here is a page compiled of the inspirational quotes and writings I have created so far over this project of mine.
-August 5th-
Sometimes what life needs is the occasional
unattainable dream.
-August 6th-
So often it seems impossible to sacrifice your guilty
pleasures in favor of seeking your passions. While pleasures can be
had with much ease. Passions tend to take a great deal of effort. Yet
with time and temperance. Your passions will eventually become second
nature. Replacing those long forgotten leisures with the greatest and
most fulfilling of prosperities. That which abides within one's self.
-August 7th-
There is immense value in all human emotion. When
life brings you happiness, contentment, and love. Learn to enjoy it.
When in turn it deals you hurt, anger, or fear. Learn to exploit it.
-August 8th-
The nature of perfection mandates the absence of any
perceivable flaw. Yet based on mathematics. Absolute perfection is
only attainable through perfection despite many flaws. Positive or
negative. They each are equal parts of a perfect whole.
Even science knows you are beautiful. It's time you
start thinking of yourself with the same truth.
-August 9th-
Always be willing to forgive isolated events.
Always be prepared to weed out patterns of
-August 10th-
Seeking solitude is seldom an erroneous venture. Much
of what others consider of great value was made possible because of
isolation and introspection. Still, it is of the utmost importance
that one does come down from the mountain every once in awhile An
absolute recluse, being not only of little general use to anyone but
themselves. Also selfishly indulges in a singular knowledge. One that
might have had exceeding benefit to those who may have crossed their
path. Should they only have taken the time to make the journey.
-August 11th-
Life is often going to disappoint. Yet it can only
tear you apart if you allow it. Most will ride the sea of discontent
without a fight because it is easy. Fewer will face it head on
because it forces them to confront not only external assaults, but
even their internal dæmons.
Fewer still will change course all together. There is nothing more
frightening than venturing into the unknown. Yet to stay the course
is to submit to the idea that our satisfaction with life relies on
powers outside of our control. Put wind in your sails and follow an
unfamiliar bearing. There are new and better worlds to be discovered.
-August 12th-
I am of the opinion that the most beautiful and
tragic of goodbyes are spoken without words. When one heart is so in
tune with the other that both know this will be the last embrace.
Each tongue betrays with the hope of a future that cannot be. Yet it
is within each heart that the tears of truth run free. Grasping with
such sorrowful certainty that this is, in fact, one final farewell.
-August 13th-
Happiness is a phantom. It is no allusion that we
find ourselves endlessly in its pursuit. To be happy is to find
contentment within something always outside of one's self. It can
only be held for a short while before fading into the æther.
Where it once again awaits the trifling seeker.
To be content is to have no need for happiness. As
the content have everything they desire within themselves. Yet
despite all this, and to the consummate confounding of the
dissatisfied. Happiness is often compelled to hide from its hunters
within the hearts of the content.
-August 14th-
Loneliness begets creativity. Does not even nature
adorn itself in dazzling displays to attract companionship? To be
alone is to the artist as fearlessness is to the warrior. When
administered in timely, even doses. It tempers the creative into a
master of his craft. If taken with too much zeal. It will quickly
consume its host like an unquenchable parasite. The challenge is, as
with all things, to find a steady balance between loneliness that
drives you forward, and the same which stays you in one place. Too
much of the former will quickly drive you into oblivion. While the
later will slowly wither you away. Like a marble effigy is weathered
by the winds.
-August 15th-
Never take any encounter for granted. Irrespective of
how you may be treated along the way. They each present an
opportunity to learn who you desire to become. If taken as an
occasion to grow. Even the most hurtful of interactions can be seen
as beneficial. Yet don't concern yourself too intensely on
undesirable events. You might miss out on something far more worthy
of your attention.
-August 16th-
A deep relationship with the natural world is often
the most effective cure for a restless spirit. We deceive ourselves
every day in thinking that our man-made luxuries do nothing but
improve our lives. Yet the connection with our surroundings can
typically be seen in the same way as our human interactions. When you
feel the need to be in relationship with someone. Which would you
prefer? A beating heart? Or a lifeless mannequin? As a living
organism. Nature responds to our presence within it. You'll get no
such reciprocal relationship from your favorite easy-chair.
-August 17th-
Never convince yourself that because an idea might be
shopworn. It is unworthy of sharing with others. The greatest minds
of human history have always stood on the shoulders of their
predecessors. Your combined experiences are your most unique aspect.
No one else has lived the exact same life you have. This makes it
possible to see timeless wisdoms from a perspective only you can
articulate in your own words.
Although your thoughts may not break completely new
ground or open unseen horizons. They set one more inimitable path for
others to follow. When it comes to obtaining knowledge. There are
never too many markers pointing in the right direction.
-August 18th-
As difficult as it is to guard yourself from social
comparison. This one attribute is perhaps the most damaging block
against achieving self-actualization. We spend so much of our time
trying to measure up to one another. We often lose focus on becoming
that extraordinarily unique individual we are all capable of
While esteem is an important step in our personal
evolution. It is still only a step. Moving beyond requires putting
the need for external acceptance at your back. Until that time. All
one can truly achieve is a sort of glorified adolescence. An
existence forever dictated by the opinions and persecutions of
Actualization is largely the act of having little
interest in an existence within the world as others have contrived
it. Favoring instead, a reality of one's own creation. Those who are
successful in this ability will find it very easy to propagate their
ideas. As there will always be those who would rather follow in
another's footsteps, then create a life of their own imagining.
-August 19th-
Be ever vigilant in casting doubt on your own
motivations. There is no greater deceiver than the veiled theater
that is played out to no foreseeable end by your own reasonings.
-August 20th-
Economics is the science of the cynic. No more proof
of this need be revealed than to look at the way economic theory
understands equilibrium. Supposing that one person increases their well being Economic equilibrium insists that this advancement must be
at the expense of the well being of another. There is no room for
charity, generosity, or any other virtue for that matter. What
numbers alone will never understand is how much there is to gain from
giving freely of yourself.
There are many a paradox to be found within
economics. This is often because it is beholden to the idea that
people are rational. Yet the finest human attributes will show you
time and again how absolutely irrational mankind truly is. This is a
very good empirical conflict to have.
-August 21st-
The power of perception is perhaps the only superhuman ability most of humanity will ever experience. There is
nothing observed by the senses that cannot take on a new meaning by
simply altering your view. While an unseen portion will always remain
which you must give definition.
It would be prudent to foresee the unseen with the
obvious interpretation. Yet is it always wisest? Perhaps the absurd
should be given equal consideration. As children we are experts at
performing this feat. As adults it gives way to logic. Logic has
utility. Yet what it lacks is humanity.
Perception is a gift every being has within them.
That is not to say even a fair portion will ever learn to benefit
from it.